Attractions in Rimini, Italy
A wonderful beach holiday can be imagined in different ways. Everyone has their priorities.
Some just want to swim in the sea, while others prefer to get acquainted with other attractions of the resort area. The same Adler is an excellent resort for an economical and memorable vacation.
Nevertheless, many prefer to choose foreign tourism destinations and, it must be said, there are reasons for this. A luxurious vacation in Rimini will be a great alternative to all ideas for spending your vacation.
Rimini is a popular resort in Italy. It is known not only for its clean beaches and warm sea but also for its beautiful architecture and numerous attractions.
There are especially many cathedrals and churches in the city. They are presented in a wide variety, but at the same time, they all have something in common with each other, something typically Catholic and typically Italian. Therefore, if there is no time to see all the sights, then stop at the Church of Santa Maria in Corte. Locals also call it the Cathedral of the Servants.
The building is distinguished by its luxurious and exquisite interiors. The building was founded in the fourteenth century. It was founded by one of the religious orders. Ancient religious frescoes of that time have been preserved on the walls of the building to this day.
If there is less and less time for an excursion, then check whether the hotel Lausanne Rimini organizes a show for its tourists. Many hotels offer excursion routes, which are all united in one place – the park “Italy in Miniature“.
This park includes all the main attractions of the Apennine Peninsula. The familiar outlines of the Colosseum, the Milan Cathedral, and the leaning Tower of Pisa can be seen from Gulliver’s height. The park was founded in 1970 and is still extremely popular.
If you decide to walk along the Boulevard of Augustus, you will be able to find not only medieval but also truly ancient attractions.
For example, the Arch of Augustus is considered one of the most grandiose monuments of the Roman Empire.
It has retained its original style and appearance since 27 BC. It was here that they began to build a new road and pave the way for the development of Italy.