Resorts in Greece
For many, Greece is a country of the southern sun, warm sea and magnificent beaches.
This is true, but the description of this country would be incomplete without touches on its resorts.
Skiing to Parnassus
What could be better for cycling enthusiasts than fast descents with sparkling sun on the snow and well-blown ski slopes?
Also, when cozy hotels with official restaurants and cafes, entertainment centers await you ahead. Parnassus, Seli, and Kalavrita will appear to you exactly like this.
They never visited the Alpine resorts by their own choice.
Parnassus – the mountain of muses, a favorite vacation spot of its own Greeks, hospitably meets both professionals of racing sports and lovers of simple skiing on numerous slopes of different levels.
The first Greek racing competitions were held in the center of Seli.
It has been open since 1934 and is visited by tourists from December to March.
On the slope of Mount Chelmos, the ski center of Kalavryta has stabilized.
From here you will have a stunning view of the sea.